Tuesday 26 June 2007

More Rain

These are 2 pictures I borrowed from the local rag, both are less than a quarter of a mile from our house. Our garden was flooded as you've already seen, but our house was ok, for that we are very grateful!. It has now stopped raining, time to start clearing up.


Anonymous said...

Oh my word!

Dig the surfboard!

It's raining here too. I hope your cabbages survive.

Catch said...

Now thats what I call a flood! Glad it finally stopped raining...also glad you didnt get any of it in your house!

Jacob said...

Surf's up, Dude. Hang ten! Why is it I haven't heard of all this rain you'd been having? We are becoming so provincial.

J. D. said...

Bazza...the camera was a wonderful gift to all of US. Mother Nature must be officially notified that your memory card will be easily filled without her help.....J.D.