Monday 1 October 2007

Say welcome to wifey

Wifey has had to give up her blog due to rising demands on her time from the kids and Bazza. As recognition of her sterling efforts I have given her permission to post on my blog occasionally, when she has completed her chores, isn't she lucky to have me?


Anonymous said...

You ol' dawg, you! If I believed any of that tripe for one moment I'd smack you upside the head.

You are actually both lucky...but luckier still are those children!

Welcome, Wifey! I've missed you so! XOXOXO

Bazza said...

You are of course correct Cindra, Wifey (and the kids) are my life, but hey let's have some fun every now and again!

Nessa said...

Hi Wifey. Where's my joke?

Bazza, go look announced

TLP has chosen the nature picture frame. Perhaps you can let wifey choose your prize for all the work she has in dealing with you.

; D

Dr.John said...

Where could a wife find a better husband?

Anonymous said...

Bazza, you are so lucky that Wifey has a sense of humor or her first post on your blog would be your death announcement!

Katie McKenna said...

You just need a mite more training Bazza! Your wife had a funny blog too! I'm glad you can share!

Cindy said...

I have a nice big old frying pan which I will hand to your wife- you better run! Making your wife give up her blog- shame on you!

maria said...

Shame on you! Why should your wife give up her blog? Why can't you do more around the house to help out with the kids?

I hate that you call her "wifey".


Jacob said...

Yes, Bazza. Yes. She certainly IS lucky to have you.

There. Finally a man who isn't afraid to say it out loud.

(and who is far enough away to dodge that frying pan offered up to service by Cindy!!!)