Wednesday 9 May 2007

Sanctimonious gits

I made a complaint to the BBC today, I felt strongly about something, and decided I couldn't let it go. I feel better now I have complained, I am still angry, but I feel better. I think I should complain more, I think I should become a thorn in the side of corporations and bureaucracy, yeah I feel good.


Dr.John said...

I hhave been a thorn in the side of bureaucracy and it felt good until they kicked back. The two county health service sent investigators two Ewen to check me out after I suggested to the paper they could have handled a problem in a different manner.THe Community Action Agency called my a Vulture on the front page of the local paper in Crystal Falls because I pointed out what they were doing. Oh, it was fun.

Catch said...

you go Bazaa!! If it makes you feel better by all it!

Katie McKenna said...


Jacob said...

You are my hero, Bazza. Complain to the giant. I'll see your David and raise you an Erin Brokavich.

Here's how I see it: We either complain or become comedian impersonators who get even by making people laugh at the big guys.

Got a stamp?

Anonymous said...

I have a draw of half written letters of complaint at home. As soon as I start writing them I feel so satisfied that I'm actually doing anything about it that I lose interest. Oh cruel world, how you mock me!