I nicked this from Dave W and appreciate that it will mean very little to the few regulars I have, but allow me a little indulgence, and I will return to normal posting soon!
Before you do anything else, pick 10 favourite bands/artists:-1. The Clash
2. Stone Roses
3. The Enemy
4. The View
5. Carter USM
6. Radiohead
7. Ash
8. Rancid
9. Manic Street Preachers
10. Motorhead
What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
Anyone Can Play Guitar (except me)
What is your favourite album of 8?
And Out Come The Wolves
What is your favourite lyric of 5?
Once in a blue, your dreams come true, and someone's looking out for you. (Let's get Tattoos)
What is your favourite song by 7?
A Life Less Ordinary
Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
Happy Birthday, Jane. Completely different to anything else they've done.
What is your favourite song by 2?
Bye Bye Badman
What is your favourite song by 9?
Design for Life
What is your favourite album by 1?
Obviously the box set with everything on!
How did you get into 3?
Saw the video for "It's not OK" on MTV.
What is your favourite song by 4?
The Don
Who is your favourite band member in 9?
Nicky Wire for the fact that he refuses to kiss any woman except his wife, and if that's not true, I've quite liked some of the dresses he's worn.
Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?
Old Friend, not exactly sad, but helps you remember those no longer with us.
What is your favourite song by 10?
Bomber, because I used to fly one.
Which album of 2 has influenced you the most?
You really need to ask?
Well that was a bit of a mammoth post, how many of you made it to the end? (be honest now!)